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Pale blue in a sentence

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Sentence count:92+4Posted:2018-11-10Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: true-bluetrue blueblue-blackblue bloodout of the bluesing the bluesblue-bloodedhave the bluesMeaning: adj. of a light shade of blue. 
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31. Parked at the kerb was a smart new van in pale blue.
32. Wearing tunic and hose of pale blue satin lavishly ornamented with silver, he looked more angelic than ever.
33. South facing rooms which already appear to be warmer due to the extra light can more easily accommodate cooler shades such as pale blue.
34. There were two large bouquets and a bundle of letters tied with pale blue ribbon, presumably from stage-door admirers.
35. It drew alongside her, a pale blue Renault that seemed vaguely familiar.
36. She had her father's pale blue eyes but her long black hair and honey complexion had been inherited from her mother.
37. Both would be very pretty in shimmering pale blue or silver lurex for evening wear.
38. A limited edition of 1,000 white on pale blue Jasper 8-inch plates, featuring the Home Office seal, were produced.
39. He was wearing a waist-length possibly leather jacket, pale blue jeans, a light collarless shirt and white trainers.
40. I love that pale blue wallpaper, but I don't think it would go with the carpet.
41. She was wearing Ray-Bans, a pale blue sunsuit, and white ankle socks under ivory-colored high-heeled espadrilles.
42. We climbed slowly but steadily along the river and through a natural rock garden of tiny pale blue phlox.
43. He dressed casually in a red golfing sweater, pale blue trousers( blue.html), and deceptively ordinary-looking hand-made shoes.
44. He threw my dress shirt over it so all was pale blue.
45. We had ordered a pale blue armchair but the one that was delivered was dark green.
46. The long legs parted as the pale blue water took her, like an obscene gesture at Liz.
47. The upper reaches of the sky had lightened, but the valley was still sleeping in the pale blue predawn light.
48. Sweetman paused again, this time to light a long pale blue cigarette with a slim gold lighter.
49. Dark-haired and dark-skinned, a pale blue dress and ivory sweater.
50. During her absence Nathan had showered and changed into fawn trousers and a pale blue polo shirt.
51. Especially when the nosebag held a pale blue Ceylon sapphire and two adequately flaw-free white diamonds set in eighteen-carat yellow gold.
52. He was wearing pale blue brushed denim pants and a pale blue shirt that made his blue eyes look nearly luminous.
53. Because of its name and that pale blue the school enjoyed a peculiar indefinable distinction.
54. Ahead, a handful of broken Ionic columns rose against the pale blue sky.
55. The inmates wore a uniform of pale blue, the girls with white pinafores.
56. The room, painted a white so fresh that it seemed pale blue, was cool and soothing.
57. He wore a pale blue tie.
58. A pale blue glow filled the lane.
59. She wore a pale blue dress.
60. Rita Ora of her pale blue Vivienne Westwood gown.
More similar words: true-bluetrue blueblue-blackblue bloodout of the bluesing the bluesblue-bloodedhave the bluesa bolt from the blueblue whalewhole blooddouble blindwhistleblowerwhistle-blowerwhistle blowerbluedouble-blind studybluesblueishblue catblue jaybluefinblue airabluentsky-blueblue skyblue-skysky bluedark blueblue baby
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